
Hot-commissioned NHCD and flying shear enable ramp-up at Changqiang Steel

Date:2024/3/22 Source: CISDI

NHCD short-stress path rolling mills and flying shears supplied by CISDI have enabled the entire long products rolling line at Jiangsu Province-based producer Changqiang Steel to hit production capacity targets.

During hot commissioning, the rectangular bloom’s specification range was 180-220mm and final products featured a diameter of 50mm. The line’s final rolling speed reached 3.25m per second and the hourly output reached 150 tonnes.

CISDI was contracted to modify the line’s existing core equipment to enhance rolling efficiency, quality and capacity.

Restricted rolling efficiency and an inability to accept the correct feedstock length had prevented the original line from reaching its hourly output targets.

It operated with a semi-continuous rolling process and was intended to produce tubular round bars with a diameter range of 45-130mm by feeding rectangular blooms sized 180mm x 220mm and square blooms sized 155mm x 155mm.

But the line could only accept small feedstock specifications (45mm and 50mm diameter).

CISDI’s devised a solution - a modification which has unified feedstock cross-section requirements to rectangular blooms of 180mm x 220mm.

The solution has improved matching between rolling and steelmaking and continuous casting procedures, resulting in higher temperatures of feedstock being charged into the reheating furnace and an increase in the hot charge rate.

As a result, productivity has been greatly enhanced and the line is now capable of producing high quality mechanical steel bars.

CISDI has supplied 50 NHCD mill stands to Changqiang since 2021, all of which run stably.

“At Changqiang, we trust CISDI as a long-term partner. We especially value its specialist expertise and strong team spirit”, commented a spokesperson.



The NHCD short-stress path rolling mill and flying shear, which have optimised Changqiang Steel’s production